Dancing Trees Artist Statement
As you enter Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island, Georgia, be prepared to venture into another world. The scene looks like total chaos until you venture further on to this unique venue. The ancient driftwood trees are preserved in their natural splendor, beached and weathered by elements. Many are still standing upright, clinging to the sand by their decaying roots withstanding the ebb and flow of the tides. Many have surrendered to the pounding surf now laying resolved on the sand. The trees are like monuments lining the beach shore line, each begging their story to be fabricated by the viewer. Each one illicited a unique name, as I captured thousands of images. The trees became dancers on the beach providing me with an intricate theatrical performance, rhythmically interacting with the music created by wind and waves. The battered dead trees provide us with a reminder of their majestic youth.
The Dancer
Dance Party
The Wave
The Stretch